9-1-1 Exclusive Sneak Peek: Buck Braves the Flames in a Daring Rescue!

9-1-1 Exclusive Sneak Peek: Buck Braves the Flames in a Daring Rescue!

Our favorite first responder show has finally returned to us, and they come bearing one wildly tense hour of television.

9-1-1 hit the ground running in its return, and with it, we’ll see some tense moments, including the 118 racing to save animals caught in a fire that ravages a local animal shelter.

In this sneak peek from 9-1-1 Season 8 Episode 9 exclusive to TV Fanatic, you’ll see the 118 doing their best to get all the animals to safety and Buck racing through the carnage to rescue one last dog who hasn’t made their way out.


We’ve seen the 118 battle many fires, and the one tearing through the shelter looks devastating.

It requires the 118 to be efficient, as they work to get all the animals outside and then assess the damage.

Even with the fire raging and the building becoming increasingly unstable, Buck won’t stop until he makes sure all the animals are safe, which leaves him in the building while his teammates gather outside.

As you’ll see in the clip, Buck has to carefully make his way through the building, which is on the verge of collapse, to rescue a frightened dog. Things get very scary when the roof does indeed begin to crumble.

We’ve seen Buck, and all of the 118 for that matter, in some precarious positions before, and this one is no different.

Seeing how scared his 118 family is as the building continues to smolder and Buck is nowhere to be found is pretty heartbreaking.

9-1-1 thrives in these moments when the music swells, and genuine fear radiates from the firefighters, who are risking life and limb to save lives.

This kind of heart-pumping action sets 9-1-1 apart from every other show on television.


Outside of the animal shelter rescue, we’ll also see a challenging case fall into Maddie’s lap. A harrowing 9-1-1 call takes on a life of its own and has Maddie searching for answers.

As you’ve probably seen in the marketing campaign leading up to this hour, the case could see Maddie in trouble, and it, unfortunately, would not be the first time we’ve seen her in danger.

As a dispatcher, she’s come across calls that have ranged from the odd to the shocking to the dangerous, and this one will likely be no exception.

If there is one thing about Maddie Han, she is astute, brave, and a fighter.

If Maddie is on the case, there’s no doubt she’ll do everything she can to help those who need it.


This clip is just a tiny taste of what’s to come from this riveting hour, which will have you glued to the television.

Please check out the clip above and then comment with your thoughts about the rescue and what you’re hoping to see from the hour.

It felt like a very long wait to get to this day, and we finally made it!

I’ll be back here when the hour ends with a full review of the incredible hour!

You can watch 9-1-1 on ABC at 8/7c on Thursdays.

Watch 9-1-1 Online

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Article by:Source: Whitney Evans

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