
Meet the Feminist Resistance Fighter Who Created the Modern Kitchen

Meet the Feminist Resistance Fighter Who Created the Modern Kitchen

On May 1, 1942, a small group of communists enjoyed a clandestine celebration in central Vienna. It didn’t matter that they were imprisoned by the Gestapo and each in solitary confinement; they had long ago realized that their toilets were connected to the same pipes, and by removing water from the siphon and sticking their heads into the bowl, they were able to talk to one another. They took advantage of this daily, discussing letters from home, their hopes and fears, the outcomes of their latest court hearings. On this International Workers’ Day, the plumbing carried poems and speeches, closing with “The Internationale.”

“Prison was the only place in Austria ‘The Internationale’ could still be sung on May 1, 1942. An unforgettable celebration,” one of the prisoners, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, later recalled in her memoir Memories of the Resistance (Erinnerungen aus dem Widerstand).

Schütte-Lihotzky had been imprisoned since 1941 for her work as a courier for the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ), which led the resistance against the Nazi regime in her home country. While she managed to narrowly avoid a death sentence, Schütte-Lihotzky remained in jail until the end of World War II in 1945. The incarceration would forever split her life in two. On the one side were her beginnings as a precocious and successful architect spurred on by the desire to create a better life for working-class women. On the other, what she would refer to as her “second life,” as an active communist, political activist, and memoirist who was professionally shunned in Austria for her political beliefs and received her much-deserved accolades only in the final decades of her life.

Article by:Source: Kaja Seruga

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