
My Partner Snores. Are There Any Tricks to Get Some Sleep?

My Partner Snores. Are There Any Tricks to Get Some Sleep?

Q: I love my partner, but the rumbling snores keep me awake. Are there solutions for people like us?

Sharing a bed with someone who snores can be a constant challenge. It’s also a common one — up to half of adults in the United States snore regularly, some data suggests, and their partners can suffer.

If you’re struggling to sleep through the noise, experts say the first step to getting some rest is understanding what’s causing it.

When the muscles that keep your airway open become relaxed while you sleep, your airway can narrow, causing the soft tissues in your throat to vibrate with each breath, said Daniel Vena, an assistant professor of sleep medicine at Harvard Medical School.

“Those muscles go to sleep when you go to sleep,” Dr. Vena said. This explains why people often snore after drinking alcohol, which relaxes the same muscles.

People who are overweight or obese tend to snore because extra tissues in the tongue and throat can hinder airflow, Dr. Vena said.

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