When Ilya Rusinov returned to the Russian work force after rehabilitating a vertebra damaged in the Ukraine war, his first job was...
“The execution of prisoners of war is a serious violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War...
The Hungarian leader’s ire is directed at the recent end of an agreement between Moscow and Kyiv to keep cheap Russian gas...
In Ryazan, residents posted videos on social media showing more than 50 explosions, including at an oil pumping station and the Ryazan...
MOSCOW — The Kremlin insisted Friday that a settlement in Ukraine couldn’t be facilitated by a drop in global oil prices as...
In addition to his typical arguments that the measures are damaging the EU’s economy, Orbán has also been saying the EU must...
Britain on Wednesday warned that it faced a growing threat of aggression from Russia, asserting that a Russian spy ship had passed...