
‘Jupiter Ascending’ came out 10 years ago, and we’re still not sure how the Matrix creator’s space opera went so wrong

‘Jupiter Ascending’ came out 10 years ago, and we’re still not sure how the Matrix creator’s space opera went so wrong

Whenever someone brings up Lana and Lilly Wachowski’s body of work, The Matrix is always at the center of the conversation. Maybe Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas get some mentions thanks to their vocal followers, but their spacefaring epic Jupiter Ascending is typically swept under the rug. A critical and financial disaster, most people wouldn’t blame you for forgetting about it. And that’s a shame because we believe there are enough reasons after 10 years to give it a rewatch with new eyes.

Sometimes, it’s great to step away from the best sci-fi movies of all time and watch some middling, or even downright bad movies from time to time. It’s enriching, giving you a better understanding of the medium as well as a renewed appreciation for the audiovisual masterpieces that did manage to land their shots.

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