
Putin Praises Trump for Working to Thaw U.S.-Russia Tensions

Putin Praises Trump for Working to Thaw U.S.-Russia Tensions

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia lauded the Trump administration on Thursday for its efforts to mend ties with the Kremlin.

Speaking in Moscow at the annual meeting of Russia’s intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service, Mr. Putin praised the new U.S. administration for “pragmatism, a realistic worldview” and “discarding many stereotypes, so-called ‘rules’ and messianic, ideological clichés of their predecessors.”

And he blamed Joe Biden, the former president, for causing a crisis in the “entire system of international relations.”

“The first contacts with the new American administration give us some hope,” he said in televised comments. “There is a mutual willingness to work on restoring the relations and gradually tackle the colossal amount of the systemic and strategic problems in the global architecture that had piled up.”

Mr. Putin’s comments extended a pattern of praise for the new American president as Russia looks to draw the United States into its camp and against Ukraine and Europe. The remarks follow an unexpected thaw between Moscow and Washington after more than a decade of strife ignited by the Kremlin’s aggression in Ukraine that started with the largely bloodless annexation of Crimea in 2014.

The tensions erupted into an all-out war in 2022 when Mr. Putin invaded Ukraine in what has come to be Europe’s bloodiest conflict since the end of World War II. The invasion engendered hostility from the Biden administration and much of the West.

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