When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 9 Review: Buried Treasure

When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 9 Review: Buried Treasure

Critic’s Rating: 3.8 / 5.0


The Garrison Gang and McGinty’s interference with the National Park have been essential to When Calls the Heart’s Season 12.

Having an overlying arc has been helpful, but we’ve added several more characters to an already-bloated cast.

That was obvious in When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 9 when Sonny Garrison and his cousin Woody captured Oliver and Allie, which was the best storyline of the episode.

(Ricardo Hubbs/ Hallmark Media)

Some of the other storylines felt like they didn’t belong, though I wanted to know more, and some were a waste of time. I hate writing that.

Woody Garrison Tricks Oliver and Allie Into Helping Him on When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 9

While Woody Garrison had an agenda, he didn’t seem as evil as his cousin Sonny. He was rude but charmed Oliver and Allie with his tale about his parents’ initials on that tree.

While I realized they were being neighborly, didn’t Nathan teach either of them about caution with strangers?

Woody was at least sensible enough to try and let the kids go when he realized Oliver was a Mountie cadet.

That was likely more because he didn’t want Mounties after them than concern for their well-being, but it still demonstrated his slight conscience.

(Hallmark Channel/ Screenshot)

On the other hand, Sonny Garrison did not play games and wouldn’t let his cousin or those kids interfere.

Even Woody looked afraid as Sonny grabbed Allie’s arm and Oliver recognized him. Those two need to learn when to shut up.

Oliver: If you hurt her…

Woody Garrison: Do what he says, kid. You don’t want to see him riled.

All Sonny cared about was finding his buried treasure; he thought those two could help him.

Hope Valley Rallied to Find the Kids, but Elizabeth and the Kids Held Their Own

It takes a crisis or a celebration to bring everyone together. This time, it was the first since Allie was Hope Valley’s sweetheart.

(Ricardo Hubbs/ Hallmark Media)

Thankfully, Molly was observant and realized that Woody was not only shady but had recently talked to someone named Sonny.

Elizabeth and Henry fit the pieces together, realizing the Garrison Gang lured the kids to help them. Allie was brilliant, though. She knew to leave her hair ribbon as a clue.

Elizabeth intended to find Nathan and Bill, but I’m glad she didn’t. It allowed her and the kids to shine.

Allie and Oliver outsmarted the Garrison cousins by making them blame each other for the empty trunk and trying to escape.

Elizabeth quickly announced her arrival and pretended she had found them randomly.

(Hallmark Channel/ Screenshot)

Again, Woody seemed agreeable to letting them go, but Sonny refused. I loved how Oliver defended the ladies’ honor as Nathan, Bill, and Henry arrived.

Finding the kids gave everyone a reason to celebrate. However, the gold was still missing. Bill and Nathan never found it, and neither did the Garrison gang.

What Was the Point of Ava’s Story?

What was the point of Ava if they weren’t going to connect her to either the Garrisons or McGinty?

I know the Pinkertons are important, but her arc seemed like a waste of time, and I hate saying that because I was excited to see Tiera Skovbye again.

(Ricardo Hubbs/ Hallmark Media)

However, we never knew Ava’s real purpose until now, and it seemed like her purpose was to aggravate Rosemary.

Typically, I find Rosemary amusing, but something about Ava made Rosemary more dramatic and determined to learn the truth.

Even Elizabeth and Lee knew Rosemary’s schemes were out of control, but no one was prepared for the truth.

Ava ran to Hope Valley to escape a magician and a con man since the last people they took advantage of were the Pinkermen.

While this story was useless, I’m relieved it was tied up since we don’t need more criminals coming to Hope Valley.

(Ricardo Hubbs/ Hallmark Media)

Lucas Felt Like He Was on His Own Island

Lucas Bouchard shouldn’t be so isolated, especially after everything he’s done for Hope Valley.

He practically admitted he may give up his position and the woman he likes to secure that National Park. He did this partly because he believed in the children’s futures and cared about honoring his word.

It was disappointing that Lucas wasn’t included in the search for Allie and Oliver since he seemed fond of them, and they’re helping him.

He wasn’t invited to the celebration, either. Mike and Mei were so busy celebrating that they forgot Lucas had booked reservations at the cafe, which appalled me.

(Courtesy of Hallmark Media)

While Lucas and Edie took it in good strides, who could forget the governor?

Angela Made Some Decisions About Her Future

It was wonderful to see the Canfields again, but it felt like they were in their own spin-off. There needs to be a better way for characters to coexist.

Angela’s arc of growing up and needing to belong within a blind community was essential.

Visiting the Schwartzman School was critical for Minnie to realize what her daughter needed and for Angela to notice that she still needed some life skills.

Angela would have a built-in network of friends who loved reading, music, and art. They would understand being scared and needing companionship.

However, Angela feared she wasn’t ready because her parents had taken care of her for so long. She couldn’t even remember to pack her scarf or make tea without spilling it.

(Courtesy of Hallmark Media)

Minnie was right, though. Angela needed to give it a chance. The school seemed the perfect place to teach her these skills and help her adapt.

Over to you, Hearties. What were your thoughts on “Buried Treasure”?

Was Garrison’s capture of Allie and Oliver exciting enough? Did the rest of the stories feel disjointed?

We would love to hear your thoughts, so please share them with us below.

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Article by:Source: Laura Nowak

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