
Window into Hot Jupiter Reveals Multilayered Winds – Sky & Telescope

Window into Hot Jupiter Reveals Multilayered Winds – Sky & Telescope

artist's concept of three-layered winds
Tylos (or WASP-121b) is a gaseous, giant exoplanet located some 900 light-years away in the constellation Puppis. Using the ESPRESSO instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), scientists have been able to prove into its atmosphere, revealing its 3D structure. This is the first time that this has been possible on a planet outside of the Solar System.  The atmosphere of Tylos is divided into three layers, with iron winds at the bottom, followed by a very fast jet stream of sodium, and finally an upper layer of hydrogen winds. This kind of climate has never been seen before on any planet.
ESO / M. Kornmesser

Astronomers have taken an unprecedented look inside the atmosphere of WASP-121b, a Jupiter-mass planet that’s circling its star at less than a tenth of Mercury’s distance from the Sun. The data reveal a 3D view of an atmosphere that’s not only unlike any in the solar system, it’s also unlike what theory predicts.

WASP-121b, also known as Tylos, orbits a yellow-white F-type star some 900 light-years away in the constellation Puppis. Its tight orbit, in which a full revolution takes only 1.3 days, causes the planet to be tidally locked, so that one side of the planet always faces the star’s scorching heat. Temperatures on the dayside approach 3,450°F (2150K) — almost as hot as the smallest stars.

While the planet is only slightly more massive than Jupiter, it’s almost twice its width. In our own solar system, Saturn’s so fluffy that it would float on water if we could find a tank big enough. Thanks to the inflating effects of the searing stellar heat, WASP-121b is 2.5 times fluffier than that.

To find out what happens to that kind of heat as it circulates in a planetary atmosphere, Julia V. Seidel (ESO) and colleagues turned the four 8-meter units of the Very Large Telescope in Chile toward WASP-121b to map out its atmospheric patterns in 3D. They combined data to capture a full transit of the planet across the face of its star, filtering the stellar light through the Echelle Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations (ESPRESSO).

The result, published in Nature, is a collection of chemical fingerprints, each one probing the atmosphere at a different depth. Iron atoms probe the deepest layers (and highest pressures) that are still accessible, while sodium atoms trace the thinner atmosphere a bit higher up, in the mesosphere. Even higher than that, in the thermosphere, are ionized hydrogen atoms. These atoms all move around due to both winds and the planet’s spin.

“It is the first time that we have looked at a hot Jupiter with this amount of photon-collecting power,” Seidel says.

This diagram shows the structure and motion of the atmosphere of WASP-121b (Tylos) looking down on one of its poles. From this angle, the planet rotates counter-clockwise as it orbits, so that it always shows the same side to its parent star. From spectra measured while the planet was crossing the face of its star, astronomers can reconstruct the composition and velocity of different atmospheric layers. In the deepest layer, a wind of iron blows away from the hottest point on the star-facing side. Above this layer, a fast jet stream containing sodium atoms blows faster than the planet rotates, accelerating from the “morning” side to the “evening” side. Finally, overlapping somewhat with the sodium layer is an outer wind of hydrogen that blows along with the planet’s rotation as well as outwards.
ESO / M. Kornmesser

The results are surprising and difficult to explain. The iron atoms show expected flows from the planet’s hotter, star-facing side to the cooler, space-facing side. This iron wind heats up as it crosses the star-facing side, and it doubles in speed, too, from roughly 30,000 to 60,000 mph. So far, so expected.

Above the iron wind, though, the sodium and hydrogen atoms show evidence for a jet stream — one that moves even faster than the planet’s rotation.

“While Jupiter has a super-rotational jet, it sits much lower in the atmosphere (where the cloud bands are) and can be explained easily by current circulation theories,” Seidel explains. Those theories, however, cannot explain a jet stream at the high altitudes of the thermosphere.

“I truly didn’t expect the jet to reach so high up that it would even drag along hydrogen,” Seidel says. “This means the jet extends far upwards where the atmosphere ends and space begins, completely upending what we thought was the expected behavior of an atmosphere.”

Previously, observations had shown that WASP-121b varies in brightness. This may be due to weather patterns — the simulation shown here from one circulation model demonstrates the cyclones that might arise and fade, leading to swirling temperature differences. However, existing circulation models are unable to fully reproduce the new data from the Very Large Telescope.
Visualization: NASA / ESA / Quentin Changeat (ESA / STScI), Mahdi Zamani (ESA / Hubble)

The 3D data on WASP-121b challenge existing theories, and the team doesn’t plan to stop there. “We will push towards cooler and smaller planets, first for Neptune-like ones,” Seidel says. She adds that the 2028 expected start of operations for the Extremely Large Telescope — being built near the Very Large Telescope in Chile — opens the possibility of conducting the same kind of study for planets approaching Earth’s size.

Article by:Source: Monica Young

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